Monday, May 20, 2013

Week One - Done and Dusted!

So week one is now behind us and it's been a great week!

I'm really enjoying the 10K running program and in true Trisha style I have immersed myself in learning all I can about running - no half measures for me :)

I have sorted out my technology and have decided to use mapmyrun as my running program. I tried the usual suspects and they were all good so I went with the 12wbt recommendation. John bought me one of those arm band things that you can put your phone in so I'm good to go _now_ but not early last week. Read the training rundown for a giggle.

I bought a Fitbit One at the Round 1 Group Workout to log my general activity, sleep and food. I love this little device. It's really nice to me and often displays on the screen "Love Ya Trish" - it's the small details that appeal to me - ha ha ha. I have also bought the Fitbit Aria scale and had much less success with it. The first scale that I bought was faulty and had to be replaced. This was really frustrating as it didn't arrive in time for the first weigh in of Round 2. I like to use the same scale throughout the round so I was quite annoyed about it. The second scale seems to be fine but the app that connects the scale to my computer is now displaying an error! I have just received a response from Fitbit so I will see if that fixes the problem tonight.

So how did my training go this week?

I feel very satisfied with my efforts this week. 

As I ran the Mother's Day Classic on Sunday 12th, I didn't do the first Tempo run last Monday. I went and had a Myotherapy session with the lovely Emily at Corio Bay Health Group. I have plantar fasciitis in my left foot so Emily has been helping me with massage and stretching exercises. Amazingly when I actually do the exercises I get relief from the pain - maybe Emily's on to something - ha ha ha. As you can imagine after running the 4km at the MDC I was quite tight so there was lots of squirming on the table but I felt a million bucks after the treatment.

As always with a new program I have to make sure that my brain and my body are communicating effectively so the first official 12 minute run last Wednesday was interesting.

Steady state jog, no problem. Running drills, hilarious! First I have to remember what all the exercises are when I'm out on the track so I study them all before I go and am convinced that I know what I'm doing. I take the printout of the exercises so I don't have to piddle around with trying to get the phone to: map the session; time the intervals; show me the exercises; and play music. This session was before I had the new arm band that John bought me so I've got the phone in one hand (in a plastic sealy bag so it doesn't get sweated on!), the earphone cords all over the place and the training sheet in the other hand. Two of the exercises require that you use your arms to a) hug your knees while moving forward and b) pull your foot up while moving forward. I think you can imagine what happened - or didn't happen. Anyway I got through it as best I could and ran 1900m in 12 minutes which was no change from when I did the test in the preseason - even though I wasn't supposed to -oops!

The Toning and Stretching sessions during the week went well and my upper body felt hammered due to the Thursday/Friday combination of upper body strength training followed by Core and Flexibility which had quite a bit of upper body work also.

The first long run on Saturday taught me that I need to buy some winter running gear so I was straight off to Target for a gear top up on Sunday! Long sleeve running tops - check! I had a really nice run along the Geelong Waterfront from Rippleside to Eastern Beach and John came along to bring my exercise mat and warm clothes. I ran the 3km in 20:56 which was just over the 20min recommended timeframe but I reckon I'm just over the recommended weight for being a runner so that all evens out in the end :)

My training week finished off with a nice breakfast of crepes with lemon which brings me the food review.

I am loving the customised food plans! Primarily because it saves me heaps of time weeding the shopping list for the days that we don't cook. 

Thursday is steak day in our household so we go down to 400 Degrees where Paula and Chris have been very supportive and replace the standard chips and sauce with a healthy side. Paula has been very creative and we've been treated to vegetable stacks, vegetable rice paper rolls, various salad combinations and some spicy things which John really likes and I can't remember the name of - oops! Any 12wbt'er looking for a great place to go for a healthy meal should check 400 Degrees out.

Big winners from the meal plan this week are Chicken Noodle Soup, Beef Stroganoff and Meat Pie with Mushy Peas.

I hope you all had a great week. 

Train hard, eat clean!


  1. Ahhh yes, the chicken noodle soup, I can't believe I'm up to my fifth round and I've never made it. Yes yes, I have doctored the menu plan since day one, I didn't need to wait till I could customise it! ha. That's my goal this round also, to make some recipes I've not made before.

    You are really gunning it with your running, what a fantastic run that would be from the waterfront to Rippleside. I have walked it a lifetime ago, but not run it since I've taken up running. Must do that next time I'm down.

    I hear you on liking the fitbit and the small details that get you in. I'm like that with Runkeeper. I so much want to impress the lady who tells me how far I've run, but she just doesn't sound impressed with me! LOL


    1. Having said that, I only made the chicken noodle soup last night for the first time. LOVED IT !!

  2. I'm training for a half marathon and I have felt a lot of pain in my legs. Would you happen to have any suggestions of what I should do or be cautious of? I've thought of setting up a few appointments for physiotherapy to try and rehabilitate before the race.
